Friday 7 March 2014

Musically Notable Weekly Digest, Week ending March 8th


Greetings and Happy Friday! I was actually able to go outside without a coat today, so it would seem that Spring is within our grasp! Here are the top stories of this week:

  • The American Academy of Arts and Letters have pieced Charles Ives' music studio back together, and the results are fantastic. (Source)
  • Reports of opera's death have been greatly exaggerated: (Source)
  • Manuela Hoelterhoff gives her opinions on the Met - (Source)
  • NPR reports that Robert Ashley,the  innovative opera composer, died March 3rd.
  • Spotify has purchased Echo Nest, a company that specializes in music recommendations. (Source)
  • Scientists have identified a condition called "musical anhedonia" which can cause some people to be indifferent to music. (Source)

Here you have it, this week's biggest and best stories in music. Stop by every weekend for your Musically Notable digest! If you have a story or a project that deserves mentioning, please submit your ideas to me on Twitter @AngelinaPanozzo or through my website, Thanks for reading and have a fantastic weekend!

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