Wednesday 2 April 2014

New Music Wednesdays - Helgi Rafn Ingvarsson

I recently discovered Helgi Rafn Ingvarsson and her ambitious project to compose one song a week for 20 weeks. That kind of pressure on creativity would likely fry my brain, and I am beyond impressed at how touching and wonderful her songs are. Read on to see what she says about her project:

I´ve studied classical composition since 2006 when I enrolled in the Icelandic Academy of the Arts in Reykjavik and since then been focused on writing music within the classical-contemporary genre, now at the Guildhall School, London. But although versatile, there are some things the classical-contemporary has a hard time to express or reflect upon, in my opinion. When I´m engulfed by a particular feeling I cant communicate differently, I sit down by the piano, or grab my ukulele, and write a little song. 

This has happened on and off for the bigger part of my life so I have gathered an ok pile of songs in my drawer through the years. Still, I felt like they were all a work-in-progress, and that I needed to work on my song-writing skill. Which is an essential skill to have since I´m aiming to become a composer for stage: Opera, musicals etc. By now I have written 9 songs for 9 consecutive weeks, out of 20-25, and shared each one on the project´s Facebook page every Wednesday:

What am I going to use all these songs for you ask? Follow the Facebook page and you just might find out in due course. 

Listen to all the songs here, newest first: Midvikudagur Bandcamp

Have a great day.

Kær kveðja/Best wishes
Helgi Rafn Ingvarsson

*****Editor's Note: You can learn more about Helgi and contact her via her Facebook page or on Twitter, @HelgiIngvarsson*****

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