Wednesday 30 April 2014

"Raise Your Voice" by Chip Michael

Written for the victims of the tragic Newtown massacre, "Raise Your Voice" is a beacon of light in the darkness, calling for an end to the violence that has plagued our schools for far too long. Take a listen to this piece and check out the interview with composer Chip Michael.

You can hear this piece here.

Q: What was your motivation for writing this piece? 

Chip: Raise Your Voice was written for the people living through the tragedy of the shooting at Newtown Connecticut, Dec 2012. The orchestra I work with, TwtrSymphony worked hard to record the piece quickly. The focus of the music is not a cry against gun, but rather against the violence - that violence will not prevail. We, as a society, need to focus on being aware of each other, supporting each other - not only in tragedy, in every day life, to raise our voices in solidarity. With the advent of the internet and rapid travel the world is getting smaller. It is even more important to not allow the distance of miles or the impersonal aspect of computers to allow us to become desensitized. This music is our way of standing with the people of Newtown and showing them we care, not just today, but long into the future.  The Epson Chamber Choir provided their voices.

Q: What was your method of composition with this piece of music?

Chip: TwtrSymphony is a volunteer orchestra, so yes, instrumentation was chosen based on who was available to record their part. Typically we have most of the standard orchestra instruments, but we also have some odd ones too, like guitar and recorder and often included in the mix.

Q: How did you choose the instrumentation? Was it influenced by the availability of the TWTR Symphony members?

Chip: The words came first. My wife Eddie Louise wrote a first pass which allowed me to start work on the music. Then my son, Aric Clark gave me another version. The two sets were blended together for the final product, with my role as composer having the final edit for the words.

Q:Are there any upcoming performances of this work on the horizon?

Chip: Several organizations in and around the Newtown area have looked at the piece, but so far there are no planned performances. I am working on an organ/co al arrangement so church choirs can perform it. Again, nothing slated so far.

Thanks to Chip Michael for the music and the interview. You can catch him on Twitter @ChipMichael - please give him a shout if you liked this deeply moving piece. 

***If you know of any new notable music, please hit me up on Twitter @AngelinaPanozzo for a spot in the weekly feature!***

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