Wednesday 28 May 2014

"Home," by Esther McLaren

I took a lot of long walks this week, trying to clear my mind of all the pressures and stresses of life that cloud and prevent creativity. In the midst of our current immigration situation, my wife and I have spend a lot of time trying to figure out where "home" really is, or if we've even found home yet, and realizing that home is wherever we both are.This gut-wrenchingly heartfelt song by Esther McLaren has been ripping out my insides all week - can't stop, won't stop listening.

Musically Notable: What was the inspiration for this song - what went into writing it?

Esther McLaren: I penned the entire song in one afternoon, which is really rare for me to do. Normally it takes a couple of weeks to finish the lyrics on a song. I was happy with how well the story was conveyed, and after a few minor adjustments and feedback from my sister (who is also a great singer/musician/songwriter) and few friends, whom are also songwriters, the lyrics were done. They really isn't a great story to the process of getting these lyrics, I simply wrote what had been bottled up inside since flying home.

MN: The lyrics are so amazing - do those stem from a personal experience? 

EM: The song does have personal meaning for me. It was during a visit home (Tasmania, I am based in Sydney, Australia) that I was reminded of a lot of memories that had been made here, especially with a certain guy during summer. So this song is really just a reflection on the times we spend together, and my wish to go back. The places and things described in this song are real and hold a lot of weight when I sing them, despite the song being of a happier melody. 

***You can catch Esther McLaren on Soundcloud!*** 

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