Saturday 24 May 2014

Weekly Music Roundup - Week Ending May 24th

Wow, what a week! The opera world exploded with the story of Tara Erraught, the Irish mezzo-soprano who was brutally attacked by several music critics writing for prominent publications. You can read my thoughts on that here and here. Most music blogs and publications are abuzz with this story, and rightfully so. Why shouldn't opera be about the voice? That in mind, here are the other stories in music news this week:

-Talks between YouTube and WIN (Worldwide Independent Network) have broken down over their proposed streaming service. Does everyone need a streaming service? Aren't there, like 500 different services now? (Source)

-Why did Richard Strauss write a piece of music dedicated to a Nazi war criminal? In short, to save his own hide. (Link)

-This is your brain: on music. New research suggests that every genre of music activates a different part of the brain. (Source)

-Neko Case gave a series of blistering replies to Playboy on Twitter, when they tweeted that she was changing things for "women in music." (Link)

-Everyone is talking about the new study that "proves pregnant women are more sensitive to music!" (Source) But they only studied 17 pregnant women and 15 non-pregnant women, so:

-In Paris, thieves were scared off when a man played Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" repeatedly at top volume. Cool. (Link to video)

That's it for this roundup - check back every weekend for the music news roundup! If you know of any notable music news, hit me up on Twitter @AngelinaPanozzo. Happy long weekend, everyone!

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