Wednesday 26 March 2014

New Music Wednesdays: "Slow Day Deadline," by Rachael Forsyth


Rachael Forsyth is a composer dedicated to innovation and creativity. Her music spans across many genres, and it never ceases to entertain. Her new pieces were written for the ensemble We Are Wolfpack, and I have to say, the ingenuity is remarkable. This is what Forsyth has to say about her music:

 My latest piece, ‘Heart of the Pack’, has been written for We Are Wolfpack (an ensemble based in London) and will be premiered this later this year at their concert series based around the moon. I really enjoy working with this ensemble as they perform lots of new works and are happy to add the visual performance aspects to the music that I write. 

The way I start composing most pieces is by having some sort of mental image first – either a colour, a landscape or even something more like a whole story line. The last piece I wrote for them ‘Slow Day Deadline’ was based around a grainy black and white image that popped in my head of someone sat at a typewriter. This piece brings out the angst and emotions that can surface when you’re working on something creative and can’t find the motivation to work, but know that you have a deadline to fill. 

‘Heart of the Pack’ has been written for mixed ensemble – there’s a vocalist for the moon, two packs (one string and one woodwind) and the flute player is the prey for this piece. Knowing that the concert was to be based around the moon I couldn’t resist writing something dark and edgy. Expect stalking and slaughter and you won’t be disappointed. Although I did find listening back to it during a thunderstorm was a bit too scary for me!

I take my musical influences from everywhere – current contemporary composers, classical music, pop, folk, jazz… anything! I have a great love for all genres and styles of music. I do find myself mixing in a bit of jazz into everything I do and adding a smattering of major seventh chords for good measure. My latest piece is definitely one of the more darker pieces I have written to date and I’m really looking forward to hearing it performed.
For more info checkout: or come and say hello on twitter! @rachaelcomposes 
Rachael Forsyth

A big thanks to Rachael for writing a few words on her music! Stop by next Wednesday for more new music, and if you know of any notable new music, drop me a line on Twitter @AngelinaPanozzo or through my website at 

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