Friday 28 March 2014

Weekly Music News Roundup - Week Ending March 28th


Another week, another Friday! It's been a busy week for music news, so let's get started: 

- The San Diego opera workers seek a legal injunction to stop the selling-off of assets after their last performance. (Source) Here's hoping they are successful because it would be a shame to see a financially viable opera house close down! 

-Toronto native Rachel Mahon named the new organist for St. Paul's Cathedral in London. (Source) Am I alone in thinking that in 2014 we shouldn't still be having "firsts" where women are concerned? Why is she the first to play an instrument that is 320 years old?

-Alice Farnham is spearheading a new "girls-only" conducting course for young musicians in London. (Source) Sian Edwards is also involved in teaching these young conductors. Brava! 

-Science has figured out why our brains like repetition in music. (Source) Does this also apply to Phillip Glass? 

-Kate Bush's 22 performance dates sold out in less than 15 minutes, and we are all devastated. (Source

-Rock band Can is releasing an official biography! (Source)

-This just in: Lollapalooza continues to be dull and lifeless. (Source) This is the festival's fourth year in a row of not featuring a woman as a headliner; the last woman to headline at Lolla was Lady Gaga in 2010. 

-The Soil, a new vocal group from South Africa, is taking the world by storm. (Source)

-MusicBox is a new FREE service that delivers new, FREE music straight to your inbox. (Source)

Here you have it, this week's biggest and best stories in music. Stop by every weekend for your Musically Notable digest! If you have a story or a project that deserves mentioning, please submit your ideas to me on Twitter @AngelinaPanozzo or through my website, Thanks for reading and have a fantastic weekend!

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