Friday 18 April 2014

Music News Roundup: Week Ending April 19th

Most of us have a delectable 4 day weekend coming our way, starting today! Enjoy your time off (unless you're a church musician, then good luck), and catch up with this week's music news:

-The Strad has an excellent article on how to memorize music - an absolute must read for any performer. (Link)

-I normally hate Buzzfeed's clickbait, but this tribute to African American opera singers is informative and fun. (Source)

-Upcoming game release, Destiny, will not be postponed due to composer Martin O'Donnell's termination, which he says was "without cause." (Source)

-Coachella has more all-women bands and women solo acts than ever before! 16...out of 166 acts. Sigh. (Source)

-Pandora Radio is being sued for copyright infringement....again. (Source)

-The Guardian wrote a tribute to Robert Moog, patron saint of electronic music. Awesome!

-To absolutely no one's surprise, Samsung's Milk music service will soon have a similar price structure to other music radio services. (Source)

That's about it for this week - enjoy your time off, if you get any, and check back here next week for more music news! If you have any stories that need a feature, hit me up on Twitter @AngelinaPanozzo. Happy 4 day weekend!

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